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Presidential team's popularity wanes

Article published on the 2008-04-14 Latest update 2008-04-15 10:35 TU

French President Sarkozy in front of Prime Minister Fillon(Photo : Reuters 2008)

French President Sarkozy in front of Prime Minister Fillon
(Photo : Reuters 2008)

The French president and some of his ministers have slid down in the popularity polls. Less than 40 per cent of those surveyed by pollster Opinionway say they are happy with French President Nicolas Sarkozy's work. At the time of his election win, about ten months ago, he was high up the scale with a rating to match that of post-war hero-president Charles de Gaulle.

In its monthly poll Opinionway notes a drop of three per cent compared with Sarkozy's popularity in March 2008.

Only 38 per cent of the 1,008 people over 18 surveyed say they think he's doing a satisfactory job. More than 60 per cent of French people don't.

Prime Minister François Fillon fares slightly worse. He loses four points down to 51 per cent in April from 55 per cent in March.

Worse still, is the Education Minister's rating. Xavier Darcos, facing strikes in his sector over proposed job cuts, loses 12 points. 

Some ministers in the French government remain popular, however. Among them are Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, at 58 per cent down seven per cent on last month, and Interior Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie, donw four points to 54 per cent.

For the opposition Socialists, Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoë is looking good with a 66 per cent approval rating.

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