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Storm hits Jamaica, New Orleans prepares

Article published on the 2008-08-29 Latest update 2008-08-29 13:50 TU

Workers prepare for Gustav to arrive in New Orleans(Photo: Reuters)

Workers prepare for Gustav to arrive in New Orleans
(Photo: Reuters)

After leaving 59 dead in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, Tropical Storm Gustav hit Jamaica on Friday, ripping roofs off homes and threatening to turn into a hurricane. On the third anniversary of the devastating Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans and the US state of Louisiana prepared for Gustav to hit on Monday or Tuesday.

Streets in Jamaica's capital, Kingston, were deserted Friday after the government urged residents to stay indoors and the country's two international airports were closed.

Anxiety is growing on the US Gulf Coast, as Gustav is predicted to become a hurricane and is expected to hit on Monday or early Tuesday.

Authorities in Louisiana and Missisippi have already declared states of emergency, fearing a repeat of the havoc caused by Katrina. New Orleans officials are planning a possible mandatory evacuation to prevent a repeat of the nearly 2,000 deaths in the 2005 storm and subsequent floods.

After Katrina there were widespread accusations that the response of local and federal governments was inadequate.

Meanwhile, tropical storm Hanna, the eighth of this year's season, is in the Atlantic and has the potential to become a hurricane.