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Petraeus praises French role in Afghanistan

Article published on the 2008-09-26 Latest update 2008-09-26 12:24 TU

General David Petraeus(Photo: Reuters)

General David Petraeus
(Photo: Reuters)

US General David Petraeus on Thursday commended France for strengthening its military presence in Afghanistan and for taking a leading role in trying to resolve other regional conflicts. Petraeus, who is taking over the US command in the Middle East, was speaking at the US embassy in Paris during a two-day visit for talks with French military officials.

Petraeus said that he realised that Europeans are concerned about the violence in Afghanistan and appreciated the French parliament's vote on Monday to maintain its military presence there.

"Obviously, public opinion, it's very important to maintain it," he said. "The committment to nations rests on that. And frankly it was very very encouraging, I think, and very important to see the support that was passed this Monday here in Paris."

He also praised France for leading the negotiations to end the conflict between Russia and Georgia, for its talks with Syria and for its tough stance on Somali pirates.

Petraeus, who formerly headed US troops in Iraq and takes command of forces in south-west Asia and the Middle East next month, also said Pakistani and US-led troops would have to work together to defeat the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

"Pakistan faces a threat that certainly seems to be an existential threat," Petraeus said.

General Petraeus relinquished command in Iraq to General Raymond Odierno on 16 September 2008.