Article published on the 2009-05-06 Latest update 2009-05-06 16:32 TU
Zuma took 277 votes -- 13 seats more than the ANC holds -- while Mvume Dandala from the ANC breakaway party, the Congress of the People, took 47.
"I accordingly declare that Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma is duly elected president of the republic of South Africa," said Pius Langa, chief justice of the Constitutional Court, who presided over the proceedings.
Zuma led the African National Congress (ANC) to a sweeping election victory two weeks ago on an anti-poverty platform, vowing to extend the social safety net while improving education, health care and policing.
Zuma pledged to pursue the vision of the “Rainbow Nation’s” first president Nelson Mandela.
Madela “taught us the importance of forgiveness, reconciliation and humility. He made us walk talk and be proud of being South Africans.”
“As President of the Republic, I will do my best to lead the country towards the realisation of [Mandela’s] vision of a truly non-sexist, non-racial South Africa, united in its diversity.”
But Zuma, whose supporters forced Thabo Mbeki’s resignation as President last year, didn’t have praise for all his predecessors.
“Zuma did not even mention Mbeki’s name during his speech,” said RFI’s South Africa correspondent Nicolas Champeaux.
“Zuma proved to be an outstanding politician on the campaign trail,” Champeaux said. Now, “he faces an enormous task because his electors’ expectations are so high.”
2009-04-19 16:30 TU
2009-04-18 19:25 TU