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President's party announced election winner

Article published on the 2009-05-10 Latest update 2009-05-10 13:13 TU

Indonesians with banners of Vice-President and Golkar party chair Jusuf Kalla and People's Conscience Party leader Wiranto in Jakarta after they registered as presidential and vice-presidential candidates(Photo: Reuters)

Indonesians with banners of Vice-President and Golkar party chair Jusuf Kalla and People's Conscience Party leader Wiranto in Jakarta after they registered as presidential and vice-presidential candidates
(Photo: Reuters)

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democratic Party won the most votes in last month's election, according to official results announced late Saturday. The party won 20.85 per cent, tripling its 7.5 per cent score in 2004.

The official announcement confirms the findings of the exit polls, which had already led Yudhoyono to seek allies to form a new government.

All eyes are now on the presidential election, set for 8 July. Yudhoyono, who promises economic growth and clean government, is expected to announce his running mate on 15 May.

The Vice-President in the outgoing government, Jusuf Kalla, on Saturday registered as the candidate of the Golkar Party, which ruled the country for three decades under President Suharto. Kalla's running mate will be former army chief General Wiranto, who has formed his own People's Conscience Party after surviving accusations of rights abuse when he led the military.

Golkar won 14.45 per cent of the general election vote.

Ex-President Megawati Sukarnoputri, whose Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) won 14.03 per cent, may also stand to get her old job back but has yet to announce her decision.

The Islamic Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) came fourth with 7.9 per cent. Apart from the four poll leaders, only a few of the 34 parties that stood candidates won more than 2.5 per cent necessary to take seats in parliament.