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Spectator killed during 14th stage of the Tour de France

Article published on the 2009-07-19 Latest update 2009-07-19 08:45 TU

Officials divert riders after a crash during the 14th stage of the Tour de France on 18 July 2009(Photo: Reuters)

Officials divert riders after a crash during the 14th stage of the Tour de France on 18 July 2009
(Photo: Reuters)

A spectator was killed on Saturday during the Tour de France cycling race after a police motorbike crashed in the village of Wittelsheim.

A woman in her 60s died at the scene after being hit by a police motorbike which had been accompanying the peloton. The driver fell off his vehicle according to the police.

Two other people were injured - a 37-year-old woman and a man in his 60s. They were taken to a hospital in Mullhouse by helicopter.

According to France Info, the victim was crossing the road when the collision happened. She had tried to cross after a breakaway group of riders had passed, before the main group of riders arrived.

Some of the riders described the incident as horrible, saying it had turned the stage into a tragedy.

Meanwhile, Tour de France organisers offered their condolences to the family and friends of the victim.

During its 106-year history fatal incidents involving spectators have been rare.  The last occurred in 2002, when a young boy died after being hit by a publicity vehicle.

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