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Indonesia - earthquake

Hopes of Sumatra quake survivors fading

Article published on the 2009-10-02 Latest update 2009-10-02 07:33 TU

Rescue workers search for bodies at a collapsed hotel in Padang in Indonesia's West Sumatra province on 2 October, 2009(Photo: Reuters)

Rescue workers search for bodies at a collapsed hotel in Padang in Indonesia's West Sumatra province on 2 October, 2009
(Photo: Reuters)

Emergency teams face a race against time in their search for survivors of the devastating earthquake that hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra on Wednesday.

The Indonesian government appealed for further foreign aid on Friday to help cope with the aftermath of the 7.6 magnitude quake that has already claimed the lives of at least 1,100 people.

"Our main problem is that there are a lot of victims still trapped in the rubble. We are struggling to pull them out," Indonesian Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari said.

"We need help from foreign countries for evacuation efforts. We need them to provide skilled rescuers with equipment.”

Several countries, including Japan, Switzerland and Germany, have already offered help. United States President Barack Obama announced over 200,000 euros in immediate aid and another two million euros to help victims of the disaster. The European Union pledged three million euros.

However, aid efforts have been hampered by blocked roads and poor communication networks.

"Looking at the situation, the chance of pulling people alive from the rubble is very slim," Indonesian Red Crescent secretary general Djazuli Ambari told AFP.
