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Iran - nuclear

Iran to respond to nuclear deal next week despite deadline

Article published on the 2009-10-23 Latest update 2009-10-23 17:47 TU

Iran's nuclear fuel facility near Qom, pictured in a GeoEye satellite photograph(Photo: Reuters)

Iran's nuclear fuel facility near Qom, pictured in a GeoEye satellite photograph
(Photo: Reuters)

Iran has said that it will respond to a deal brokered by the International Atomic Energy Agency next week, although the deadline expires on Friday. The draft agreement aims to create a system of third-party enrichment of uranium for Tehran.

The state-owned broadcaster Press TV said on its website that Iran would prefer to purchase fuel for it’s reactor under the supervision of the UN nuclear watchdog, as opposed to shipping the uranium abroad for enrichment.

Mohamed ElBaradei, the head of the IAEA, tabled the deal on Wednesday. It was intended to allay western fears over the construction of a nuclear weapon, yet enable the Islamic Republic to continue fuelling its civilian reactors, which are used for medical purposes.

France, Russia and the US approved the deal, which would have seen France and Russia working on the enrichment process on Iran’s behalf.

“Iran informed the Director General today that it is considering the proposal in depth and in a favourable light, but it needs time until the middle of next week to provide a response,” the IAEA said in a statement.

“The Director General hopes that Iran's response will equally be positive, since approval of this agreement will signal a new era of cooperation,” it added.

The US State Department said they can wait for a few days for a response to the deal.

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