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Haiti/US - earthquake relief

Extra 4,000 US sailors, marines headed to Haiti

Article published on the 2010-01-21 Latest update 2010-01-21 10:00 TU

US marines carry aid supplies after landing in a rural area outside Port-au-Prince(Photo: Reuters)

US marines carry aid supplies after landing in a rural area outside Port-au-Prince
(Photo: Reuters)

The United States is sending more than 4,000 additional troops to quake-devastated Haiti, diverting them from deployments in the Middle East and Africa. Violence is threatening to boil over in the capital as survivors grow increasingly desperate for aid.

The extra troops, from the Nassau Amphibious Ready Group and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, will increase the US deployment there to about 16,000.

Admiral Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made the decision to divert the troops "based on continuing urgent needs in the Haiti relief effort," a statement from the US Second Fleet said.

Three amphibious ships left Norfolk, Virginia, on Monday for its original deployment but was ordered to proceed to Haiti after taking on more marines in North Carolina. If the ships go full speed, they will reach Haiti within 36 to 48 hours.

"The ARG/MEU will provide an array of helicopter and amphibious landing craft assets, significantly increasing the ability to quickly provide relief supplies where they are most needed," the statement said.

"In addition, the marines assigned to 24 MEU will be able to provide an additional force capable of providing a secure environment for the ongoing relief efforts ashore in Haiti."

The 7.0-magnitude quake, which struck on January 12, levelled the capital Port-au-Prince and surrounding towns and villages in western Haiti, killing at least 75,000 people and perhaps as many as 200,000.

The US military involvement drew criticism from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Bolivian President Evo Morales. They claimed on Wednesday that Washington is using the relief operation as cover for military occupation.

The US."is taking Haiti over the bodies and tears of its people," said Chavez. "They started with the airport. If you want to go inside the destroyed presidential palace, you'll find US Marines standing in your way,"

Morales declared  that he will request an emergency UN meeting "to repudiate and reject this military occupation of the United States in Haiti."

"It's not right the United States should use this natural disaster to invade and militarily occupy Haiti," the Bolivian President told a press conference.

"If you have all these problems with the injured and the dead from the earthquake, you have to go there to save lives, and you don't do that from a military standpoint,"
