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Brent Gregston(Photo: Tony Cross)
A year after financial meltdown hit the global economy, the Group of 20 (G20) is meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on 24 & 25 September 2009. Heads of state, finance ministers and central bank presidents from 20 of the world’s largest economies will be joined by delegations from Thailand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and The Netherlands. The Pittsburgh summit hopes to restore confidence in the economy, bringing growth and creating jobs. Brent Gregston reports from Pittsburgh.


G20 - summit summary

Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy et Gordon Brown at the G20 in Pittsburgh(Photo: AFP)

Summit promises growth, as thousands demonstrate

The G20 summit in Pittsburgh promised to work for "strong, sustainable, and balanced growth" at the end of a two-day meeting. Critics of world leaders demonstrated peacefully, with no repetition of Thursdays nights fighting between anarchists and police.

2009-09-26 11:17 TU

G20 Pittsburgh summit

Demonstrators wearing masks of leaders play a mock football game urging world leaders to tackle global poverty(Credit: Reuters)

Is the G20 keeping its promises to the world’s poorest?

The outlook is improving for the rich and emerging economies that make up the G20. But poor countries in much of Africa, Asia and Latin America show little or no sign of recovery, according to some experts.

2009-09-24 15:30 TU

Other coverage

G20 – international economics

(Photo: Reuters)

G20 to replace G8

The G20 group of the world's biggest developed and most promising developing economies will replace the G8 as the world’s premier economic body, the White House announced Friday.

2009-09-25 09:35 TU

G20 Pittsburgh summit

Protesters march during a rally in Pittsburgh(Credit: M. Nichols/Reuters)

Unemployed take to the streets in anti-G20 protest

Ahead of this week's G20 summit of the world's biggest economies, which takes place in Pittsburgh in the United States Thursday, unemployed people from all over the US are descending on the city.

2009-09-23 06:15 TU

G20 Pittsburgh summit

(Credit: Wikipedia)

Coal conference on the fringes of G20 summit

As world leaders are meeting for the G20 summit in Pittsburgh later this week, Exxon and other major energy suppliers are sponsoring a coal conference on Monday with 26 researchers from 26 countries to talk about clean coal as energy.

2009-09-22 16:00 TU

UN - Climate Change

US President Barack Obama addresses the Summit on Climate Change at the United Nations (Credit: Reuters)

Climate Change negotiation opens at UN

With 100 days to go before the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change, world leaders have gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Tuesday in an effort to break the deadlock on the text for capping emissions globally.

2009-09-22 15:16 TU



Comment: Kirstie Hughes, Oxfam International, on missing climate change aid (Audio - 04 minutes 36 seconds)

Comment: Kirstie Hughes, Oxfam International, on missing climate change aid

"In April ... we saw some real attention given to the poorest
countries, to the fact that they clearly didn't create this crisis
that they are suffering, probably, the most from it. There was real
money put on the table. Now, six months later, we see very little
mention of the poorest countries, we don't see any additional money
today and they haven't even delivered on their promises from April."


April's summit

The economic crisis