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Focus on France 31 July 2009

Flashball ignites debate over police violence

by Marco Chown Oved

Article published on the 2009-07-31 Latest update 2009-07-31 15:56 TU

A French police officer holds a flashball gun.(Photo: AFP)

A French police officer holds a flashball gun.
(Photo: AFP)

After being hit in the face with a flashball, a protestor has lost his eye and a French police officer faces criminal prosecution. The incident has raised questions around police use of non-lethal weapons. Are they encouraging firing first and asking questions later?

Focus on France: the flashball and police violence

31/07/2009 by Marco Chown Oved

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Archives: Focus on France

Focus on France 15 February 2010

French President Nicolas Sarkozy at a meeting with members of the government and unions to work out a pension reform timelinePhoto: Reuters

France's pension dilemma

France's generous pension system is under strain, as fewer workers are pressed to support more and more retired people. The government and the opposition as well as unions know something needs to be done, but no one can can agree on the way forward.

2010-02-15 18:15 TU

Focus on France 14 February 2010

Members of the carnival parade in Gambetta, Paris on 14 February(Photo: Daniel Finnan)

Unlikely couples in Paris on Valentine's Day

The theme at this year’s Carnaval de Paris on Valentine’s Day is improbable couples. But what kind of unlikely lovers will you find on Paris's Place de Gambetta on a cold Sunday afternoon?

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Focus on France 13 February 2010

The week in France

This week's news in France brought the end of the "National Identity Debate", Garde-a-vue, and Prime Minister François Fillion's trip to Afghanistan.

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Focus on France 12 February 2010

France's colonial occupation in Algeria

Some Algerian lawmakers want to criminalise France's colonial occupation.

2010-02-12 18:07 TU

Focus on France 11 February 2010

Fillon in Afghanistan

French Prime Minister François Fillon has made a surprise trip to Afghanistan. He says France will stay until the country is stable, and says he is impressed by President Karzai's commitment at the London conference on Afghanistan last week.

2010-02-12 08:53 TU

Focus on France 10 February 2010

Michèle Alliot-Marie visits Orleans prison(Photo: AFP)

Limits on detention without charge debated

The government is considering limits on police powers after a group of adolescents were handcuffed and locked up in a Parisian police station for several hours without charge because of a fight in a school.

2010-02-10 16:43 TU

Focus on France 5 February 2010

Nicolas Sarkozy speaks at  the UN General Assembly(Photo: Reuters)

Regional elections to test national mood

Campaigning has begun for France's regional elections due next month. With left-leaning parties ahead in the opinion polls, the vote may pass a tough judgement on President Nicolas Sarkozy's record in office.

2010-02-05 16:06 TU

Focus on France 4 February 2010

Bluefish tuna farm in the Mediterranean(Photo: Reuters)

France to back trade ban on bluefin tuna

France says it will support a trade ban on the much-prized bluefin tuna but it'll take 18 months to take effect, allowing French fishermen to carry out over-exploiting the Mediterranean for at least two more seasons. Green groups say the decision is absurd.

2010-02-04 15:25 TU

Focus on France 3 February 2010

Entrepreneur exhibition

Social entreprises, auto-entrepreneurs and Bangladeshi-entrepreneur and Nobel peace prize winner Muhammad Yunus.

2010-02-03 16:13 TU

Focus on France 2 February 2010

Paris trial on 2000 Concorde crash

What caused a Concorde to crash in 2000, killing 113 people? An investigation concluded that a metal strip which fell off a Continental Airlines, was partly to blame. But at a trial which began in Paris on Tuesday, lawyers for Continental argued otherwise.

2010-02-02 15:40 TU