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France/Iran - imprisoned Frenchwoman

Sarkozy says freeing Frenchwoman is top priority

Article published on the 2009-08-10 Latest update 2009-08-10 11:04 TU

Clotilde Reiss in court(Photo: Reuters)

Clotilde Reiss in court
(Photo: Reuters)

French President Nicolas Sarkozy says that obtaining the release of the Frenchwoman accused of spying in Iran is his "top priority".  

Clotilde Reiss, 24, has been charged, along with dozens of other detainees, of spying and helping a Western plot to overthrow the government.

"The president of the republic is following Clotilde Reiss's case very carefully," said an official in Sarkozy's office.

"He is increasing his contacts with people who have the influence to bring this affair to a rapid conclusion and secure her release. That is the main priority in this case."

Clotilde Reiss told the court on Saturday that she had handed photos of demonstrations to the French embassy, according to the Irna news agency.

But French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Monday dubbed the case a "show trial". He told French newspapers that statements by Reiss and French embassy employee, Nazak Afshar, were "probably elicited under pressure".

But Kouchner admitted the French embassy in Tehran had been prepared to give refuge to Iranian post-election protestors fleeing police.

"This is a European order," Kouchner told Le Parisien. "This is in our democratic tradition."

Iran hit back at international criticism, dubbing them "foreign intervention".

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Ghashghavi said US and Europe criticism was "illegal and surprising," and said statements by the embassy employees in court smacked of foreign meddling.

Failed presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi on Monday claimed that some demonstrators have been raped while in prison after the post-election protesters.

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