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Indonesia - earthquake rescue efforts

Indonesia calls off search for earthquake survivors in Padang

Article published on the 2009-10-05 Latest update 2009-10-05 11:30 TU

A man in the ruins of his house that was burried in a landslide, Padang Pariaman, 5 October 2009(Photo: Reuters)

A man in the ruins of his house that was burried in a landslide, Padang Pariaman, 5 October 2009
(Photo: Reuters)

Officials in Padang have called off the search for survivors of Wednesday’s 7.6-magnitude earthquake, turning resources to relief and rebuilding. At least 1,100 people have died, according to the United Nations, though the number is certainly higher, with estimates of up to 5,000. With so many trapped dead bodies, health officials are now concerned about the spread of disease.

"The effort to find survivors in Padang was stopped last night, but they are still going on outside Padang," Priyadi Kardono, spokesperson for Indonesia’s disaster management agency, told the AFP news agency Monday.

Aid and emergency teams from all over the world have come to Sumatra’s west coast with medical supplies, drinking water and food for the thousands of people who lost their homes in the quake.

While the city showed signs of recovering, with restaurants and schools opening Monday, aid has been coming more slowly to outlying villages cut off by floods and landslides. Heavy rains have hampered helicopters flying in supplies to remote areas.

With so many bodies buried under rubble, health officials are trying to contain an outbreak of disease.

"There is a concern that dirty water supplies can spread skin disease and other kinds of diseases,” said Health Ministry crisis centre head Rustam Pakaya. “Flies on dead bodies can also spread bacteria to people."

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