

Music Professionals

Behind the Scenes in the Record Industry

18/01/2008 - 

Those beavering away behind the scenes in the record industry rarely get a mention. All eyes are focused on the act up front. But music stars simply wouldn’t exist without extensive back-up teams of managers, producers, tour organisers, P.R. people etc. In this special feature, RFI Musique turns the spotlight on the music professionals who keep the show going come what may.

Jeanette Ruggeri

Jeanette Ruggeri may be small of frame and slight of build, but she measures up to one of the toughest jobs in the music world: managing the explosive rock band Noir Désir. ...

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Renaud Létang

It's official. Renaud Létang is one of the most sought-after French producers on the current scene with a whole list of famous albums to his credit including Katerine's Robots après tout, ...

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Muriel Vandenbossche

You don't forget a name like Vandenbossche – and you don't forget a P.R. like Muriel, a woman who has devoted nearly twenty years of her life to promoting jazz and world music stars and ...

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Yann Hamon

There are estimated to be around 100 tour organisers in France today – half of whom manage to make a living from their work. Yann Hamon, ...

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Through The Lens of Maxime Ruiz

Photographer Maxime Ruiz is renowned for having captured French music stars like Francis Cabrel, Dominique Dalcan and Sanseverino in groundbreaking portraits. ...

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